The Mighty Quinn
Quinnell Grahamme Nonis was born on
8/13/2010 (Friday the 13th, our lucky
day!) at 8:28 AM (@39 weeks). He was
9lbs 5.2 oz, 20 inches long and his head
was 14.5 inches in circumference.
The operation went quickly, although
Quinnell was big enough it took a lot of
work for the doctor to get him out, so
everyone agreed it was a good idea he
went c-section.
August 13, 2010
Like any baby, Quinnell liked to eat and
sleep a lot (not to surprising). The first
few months he was a relatively "easy" kid,
mainly because he got lots of attention
from Mommy and Lola.
Click on any picture to the left to start a
slideshow (that zooms into the pictures
and shows more than the eight you see
now). Click here to go back to Aug 2010.